About the story ...

Born an orphan, with a rare gift of compassion, Tamiko is adopted by Thomas and Kana Brown when she is eight years old. Living in the shadows of Mount Fuji in Japan, Tamiko gradually turns into a juvenile delinquent, spraying graffiti and slashing bicycle tires with her three friends. After realizing what she and her friends have become, Tamiko decides to turn her life around and begins to spend much of her time fighting injustice and helping those who are in desperate situations. Now, almost twelve years old and taking karate lessons, she has recruited her friends Hina, Rin, and Jeremy to assist her. With Tamiko as their leader, the club, acting like angels, performs missions to aid people in any way they can.
One day, Tamiko and her friends hear the screams of a young girl in a spooky
little house. The angels investigate and peer through the curtains of a side
window. They become more concerned and their disturbing observations drive them
to come back for more answers. Their findings just get more bizarre—the girl is
apparently being held captive in a hidden room within her bedroom, alone, by a
very deranged man. Join Tamiko on her first big mission as she and her friends
spy on the mysterious lone girl and her monstrous captor, gather clues, and do
everything in their power to save the young girl from her dungeon of
Questions and comments: [email protected]
One day, Tamiko and her friends hear the screams of a young girl in a spooky
little house. The angels investigate and peer through the curtains of a side
window. They become more concerned and their disturbing observations drive them
to come back for more answers. Their findings just get more bizarre—the girl is
apparently being held captive in a hidden room within her bedroom, alone, by a
very deranged man. Join Tamiko on her first big mission as she and her friends
spy on the mysterious lone girl and her monstrous captor, gather clues, and do
everything in their power to save the young girl from her dungeon of
Questions and comments: [email protected]